
Tuesday 22 May 2012

Procedure Text


Materials needed:
Five seeds bekel
• One ball bekel
One or more players

Steps 1-n:
How to play bekel:
First, you must hold the seeds of bekel under the ball.
Second, players are required to throw the ball and the seeds of  bekel
Third, the player must take the seeds bekel one by one according to the sequence of the game. That is: one-one-one-one-one-, two-two-one, three-two, four-one, then five at once.
Then, you also have to reverse the seeds jacks into the inverted position, standing, and sleeping. It was not until the players take one by one the seeds out jacks up the steps like taking the seeds of the first jacks.
• After that, take the ball after taking the seeds jacks bekel in the order.
Players may not take the ball jacks that have reflected will be continued by another player.

• Blue: material processes or simple present tense.
• Violet: temporal conjunction
• Green: generalized human agents

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